Our Mission

We've established this resource hub to ignite a passion for STEM among students. By engaging underrepresented communities early in their educational journey, we're not just aiming to diversify our applicant pool, but to inspire a generation to see themselves thriving in careers at pioneering institutions like ESnet and LBNL. Through initiatives such as the K-12 Education and Outreach team at Berkeley Lab, we are actively forging pathways that lead to inclusive opportunities and transformative change. This team works directly with local schools, providing hands-on experiences and mentorship to cultivate the next generation of diverse STEM leaders, ensuring a vibrant future for science and innovation. Together, ESnet is working with the K-12 team to build a community where every student has the opportunity to envision themselves contributing to groundbreaking research and advancements in science and technology.
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More About Us

ESnet is a high-speed network operated by the Department of Energy's Office of Science. It ensures reliable data transport for large-scale scientific research across the country. Managed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ESnet aims to remove barriers to scientific progress, allowing researchers to collaborate seamlessly regardless of their location. By offering advanced networking systems and services, ESnet supports scientists in tackling critical global challenges through integrated research infrastructure.
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